Do you want to add a signature on your parcel? Or you don’t need any at all? We will discuss all the FedEx signature options in this article. You can select any of the delivery signature options from the FedEx app. In a world where eCommerce is expanding day by day, online shopping is already in great demand. The online market largely depends on the proper verification and quality of the shipment. This is where a signature is required to ensure that your recipient actually receives the packages.
However, a signature is not absolutely mandatory. If you want a secure delivery, then it is recommended. During the COVID 19 pandemic, FedEx has maintained continuity in responding to all the customers. Proper communication enables you to keep track of your shipment. If somehow the shipment gets lost somewhere, the recipient or shipper can easily pinpoint its location.
Let’s have a brief discussion about the facts of FedEx Signature.
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What are the benefits of the FedEx signature?
● A flexible way of catering to each customer’s need
● Follow any age restrictions that are taken into account at the time of receiving a parcel.
Looking forward to high-quality shipping goods like fire alarms, alcohol, pharmaceuticals? You can take “FedEx Signature Required Delivery Services” into consideration.
There are five types of delivery signs that FedEx offer.
● Indirect signature
● Direct signature
● Adult signature
● No signature
● Electronic signature
Every signature has separate requirements and fees. Let us have a look at them one by one.
Indirect Signature
The actual recipient does not sign this signature. It is done by someone nearby. Like the neighbor or building manager. The recipient has the right to authorize the parcel to be released during their absence. However, this can only be done after FedEx Delivery Manager accepts your request.
Direct Signature
The recipient, himself/herself, takes the parcel from the recipient. A member of the family can also do that by signing the product. If FedEx does not find someone at home, they will re-attempt the delivery. The delivery will be commenced within a certain period of time.
Adult Signature
Following the Government’s rules, there are certain guidelines to be considered. It is the procedure where someone (only at the age of majority) is able to receive the shipment. The recipient is able to take the parcel with proper documentation and identification. One who is still in the age of minority (i,e below 21 years) will not be able to receive the shipment.
No Signature
FedEx will try to find someone who will provide a signature. If there is no one available at the location, the sender will keep the parcel somewhere in a safe place.
Electronic Signature
It is for those who want to sign their package in advance of the shipment. Certain applications provide a digital signature for the customers.
What will happen when no one is at home to sign for packaging?

The situation may arise when there is no one present at the home to take the parcel. FedEx Home Delivery or FedEx Ground will try to re-attempt the delivery if requested. There are several terms and conditions included in these services. Like, If the recipient has opted for the FedEx Delivery Signature Option, no one will be able to take the parcel except the recipient himself/herself. Know about all of them and choose accordingly.
FedEx delivery manager will provide you with:
● Alerts when a package is sent to you
● Requests to be present in the target location to pick up the package
● Electronic sign for your package to authorize that you received the parcel
● Provides convenient access to mobile phone apps
Not all options are applicable to all deliveries. Special fees may be included. Have a look at the FedEx Service Guide to know more about all the services.
FAQs on FedEx Signature:
Are all signature options available for all destinations?
In FedEx ship manager you can find options that are available in your location. It will show the only applicable signature for the given destination.
How can I select a signature option?
Go to the official website of FedEx. You’ll find the Signature options available under “Special services.” Keep in mind; only those photos will appear which are enabled for the given destination.
Do I need to pay to use the FedEx signature?
Yes! Charges may apply depending on the type and details of the shipment. Have a look at the FedEx service guide before selecting an option.
Can I make changes to the signature once the package is about to dispatch?
No, the signature cannot be changed once it is provided to the company, and it is ready for shipping.